Our People

Note: Email addresses are written so that scammers cannot use them.

National Executive

The Executive Committee leads and manages the New Zealand Association of Science Educators (Incorporated) in accordance with the constitution and the policy set by the Council. Please feel free to contact any of these people to ask about the Association, the benefits of membership, or our conferences:


Doug Walker
St Patrick’s College, Wellington
Email Doug: doug[dot]walker[at]stpats[dot]school[dot]nz

Immediate Past President and Treasurer

Sam York
James Hargest College, Invercargill
Email Sam: syork[at]jameshargest[dot]school[dot]nz

Website Manager

Colin North
Waiuku College, Waiuku
Email Colin: northcolin[at]hotmail[dot]com

Special Project Executive Positions

Publications Manager

Sam York
James Hargest College, Invercargill
Email Sam: syork[at]jameshargest[dot]school[dot]nz

Regional Liaison

Catherine Hunter
Mission Heights Junior High
Email Catherine: chunter[at]mhjc[dot]school[dot]nz

Health and Safety representative

Sarah Hay
Iona College, Havelock North
Email Sarah: sarah[dot]hay[at]iona[dot]school[dot]nz

NZASE Administrator

Donna Sellers
Email Donna on nzase[at]xtra[dot]co[dot]nz

NZASE Science Communicators

Mike Stone
Email Mike: comms[at]nzase[dot]org[dot]nz

Jenny Rankine
Email Jenny: comms[at]nzase[dot]org[dot]nz

The Council

The Council governs the Association. The annual meeting of the Council is held to:

Standing Committees

Biology Educators’ Association of New Zealand (BEANZ) biologynz[at]gmail[dot]com

Earth and Space Science (ESSE) 

Secondary Chemistry Educators of NZ (SCENZ)

New Zealand Institute of Physics (NZIP)

Primary Science (NZAPSE) 

Science Technicians’ Association of New Zealand (STANZ)