The Organisation
The New Zealand Association of Science Educators (Incorporated) coordinates and supports many organisations. Membership is open to institutions and individuals that support the objects of the Association.
Click here to download the 2023 Constitution .
The objectives of the Association are:
To promote the development of science education throughout New Zealand.
To facilitate liaison and cooperation between regional science teachers’ Associations.
To assist regional science teachers’ Associations in their efforts to sustain and expand their activities.
To disseminate information, articles and other material related to science education through newsletters, journals and other means.
To represent the interests and concerns of people involved in science education to the appropriate authorities.
To organise conferences of its members to further their knowledge of science education and to enhance their skills and interest.
To develop links with international science education Associations.
Such other objects as are deemed by the Council to be ancillary or related to the objects already stated.
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