PLD news

The SLH, NZASE and NEX have collaborated to offer primary and secondary teachers of science with a fresh way to learn, connect and upskill.

Primary PLD News
Secondary PLD News
Latest PLD News

Latest PLD News

Latest news from NZQA and MoE

On Friday 21st April NZQA and MoE published new information for Level 1 standards.

For all standards:
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CAREFULLY READ THE STANDARD, CONDITIONS OF ASSESSMENT AND UPACKING before reviewing your tasks for this year. There have been updates to the conditions of assessment as well.
Examplars2024 Moderator's ReportsSample resources for external assessment in 2025
ScienceScience91923 (Science related claims)
Chem/BioChem/Bio92022 (Genetics)
PESSPESS92046 (Sun, Moon, Earth)
AgHortAgHort91931 (Sustainability)
For many standards, there have been updates to the unpacking, and exemplars can be found at the bottom of the unpacking page.
For CB1.2 and Science the exemplars are written by NZQA rather than actual student work and are meant to give guidance only.

Puna Aronui – Inclusive science education.

Join us for an opportunity to be part of a community of educators developing their understanding of inclusive science education.

This free professional learning opportunity is designed to shift your classroom practice by exploring various resources and tools designed to support science education that is accessible and engaging for all. Together, we will cultivate a dynamic educational experience that enhances your creativity and curiosity alongside your scientific understanding, empowering you to inspire others. Register here.

This is a 4-week part time online professional learning programme and requires a weekly time commitment of about 2–3 hours.

The four weeks will include three synchronous live online discussion group/webinar style sessions and self-directed supported learning and forum contributions.

This course will be valuable for both primary and secondary school teachers.

Register here.

Registrations close on 12 March.

This opportunity is free. Participants who attend all the live sessions and are active participants within the Puna Aronui community will receive recognition for their contributions and learning with a digital badge and certificate.

This is a collaboration between the Science Learning Hub and NZASE, funded by the Ministry of Education through NEX.

Overseas Trained Science Teachers Webinar

Hot on the heels of the PPTA Overseas Trained Teachers (OTT) webinar, NZASE wants to provide subject specific support to science teachers.

Hear from our primary and secondary OTT panelists in how they navigated the NZ science curriculum, the resources + supports they found useful, and connect with other OTTs to build your network.

Wednesday, 5th March 4-4:45pm

NZASE PLD in 2025

NZASE are pleased to confirm our 2025 PLD providers:
Primary science: Science Alive
Secondary science: Linda Haycock
Science Alive and Linda will be creating resources and teacher guides throughout the year. All resources will be accessible on the NZASE website and NZASE Google Drive.
Separate primary and secondary focused face-to-face PLD sessions and termly webinars will be rolled out from late Term 1. Stay tuned for more locations and dates, which will be posted on our website.

Primary Science PLD 2025

Secondary Science PLD 2025

Term 1    Term 2     Term 3      Term 4

With the new NCEA standards in their second year, we will continue to support teachers with developing their understanding to the best of our ability. We will also expand our workshops to include more for those in the junior sciences, with a focus on literacy and numeracy in Science, as well as preparation for level 1. 

Linda will be traveling around the country again, trying to reach as many of the smaller areas as possible. There will also be an online session for those that miss out on the face to face workshops. 

If you have any requests or suggestions, please feel free to email Linda [email protected]

Term 1

Main Focus: Unpacking  Moderation, Writing and Critiquing Assessment Tasks Information flier here
To register :

WaikatoCambridge High School, CambridgeThursday 6th March2-5pm
Hawkes BayLindisfarne College, HastingsMonday 10th March12-4pm
OamaruWaitaki Girls High SchoolWednesday 12th March10am-2pm
DunedinSouth Otago High SchoolFriday 14th March 10am-2pm
AucklandTangaroa College, South AucklandMonday 17th March10am-2pm
Northland KerikeriHigh School, KerikeriTuesday 25th March10am-2pm

Term 2

Main Focus: Numeracy in Science (Unless teachers request otherwise)

Waikato (South East), Bay of Plenty, Manawatu, Wellington, Christchurch, West Coast

Term 3

Main Focus: Literacy in Science (Unless teachers request otherwise)

Auckland, New Plymouth, Invercargill, Dunedin, Cromwell

Term 4

Main Focus: T.B.C. based on teacher requests


Linda is look forward to an exciting year where we can really start to make some progress in secondary Science.


Science subject associations and PLD

All Science subject associations have Networks of Expertise funding to provide PLD. This will be important to help teachers prepare for new standards coming into effect in 2024. To get on their PLD contact lists, email: Allan for BEANZ (Biology); Suzanne Scourfield for SCENZ (Chemistry); Helen for NZIP (Physics); Donna or Jenny for ESSENZ (Earth & Space Science); and Kerry for HATA (Agriculture and Horticulture).

Primary teachers can find resources and support at the New Zealand Association of Primary Science Educators:

Level 1 resources:

General Resources for Level 1 2024 onwards

Linda has gathered resources she has come across over time. These include:

Previous PLD


2024 Access to resources from PLD

2024 Term 3
Member only Science 1.4 practice assessment resources

2024 Term 2
The PowerPoint, shared resources and discussion summary from the term 2 clusters are available here

2024 Term 1
In term 1 2024, PLD involved weekly support for L1 NCEA Science. Each presentation was recorded and, together with the PowerPoint, a written summary of the discussion and some shared resources, are available at

2023 Access to resources from PLD

L1 Unit Plans

In mid-November 2023, NZASE brought together a group of 12 experienced teachers, four from pilot schools, to create these L1 units. They are intended to show teachers what units might look like for a L1 course assessed with the NCEA Science standards. We hope you find these units helpful.

Please make a copy of the folder or files, and then you will find those copies in your own computer’s Google Drive (look for My Drive on the left side of your screen).

Pilot school resources

Watch the December 1 2023 panel discussion with some pilot schools on the new L1 Nature of Science standards.

This Google Drive includes the resources developed earlier by pilot schools piloting the L1 Science standards, which are now available to all Science teachers. 

Please be aware that these are based on pilot standards. The specifications have changed for all standards to a varying degree.


2022 Access to resources from PLD

Webinars on L1 Science standards with pilot schools

In 2022, NZASE organised four webinars, each focussing on one of the L1 Science standards. In these, teachers from four pilot schools were interviewed about how they approached each standard, the teaching and the assessment. View these webinars below.

S1.1 Develop a science-informed response to a local socio-scientific issue
S1.2 Use a range of scientific investigative approaches in a taiao context
S1.3 Describe features of science in the development of a scientific idea in an Aotearoa NZ or Pacific context
S1.4 Demonstrate understanding of science claims in communicated information using māramatanga